Apex MWD Helps Customer Successfully Drill Through Extreme-Temperatures

While Apex MWD provides a comprehensive portfolio of MWD solutions, their extreme temperature offering consistently helps customers complete drilling operations throughout the US.

We recently helped an operator in the Haynesville Basin. They expected to reach temperatures of 374°F and wanted an option that would reliably drill the lateral section of the well. The Apex HT 185°C tool successfully drilled the 5-in. section and stayed downhole for 264 circulating hours.

The tool improves reliability and accuracy with built-in intelligence and advanced drilling features, while providing drilling dynamics data such as shock/vibration, temperature, RPM, continuous inclination, continuous azimuth, stick-slip

Specializing in fit-for-purpose MWD solutions, the Apex MWD team of specialists combines reliable and accurate formation evaluation solutions with decades of experience to help operators efficiently extract energy. To learn more about our capabilities, connect with us at info@apexmwd.com. Choose Apex MWD for your next drilling project.


Fit-For-Purpose MWD Solutions