Apex MWD Team Helps Complete Deepest 9.875-in. Drillout
The Apex MWD team was part of a team effort that completed the deepest 9.875-in. drillout In Webster Parish for an operator in Louisiana.
- Drilled 7,443 ft
- Depth out: 9,360 ft
- ROP 116 ft/hr
The Apex MWD team provided MWD services and 24/7 real-time support to ensure the most accurate and reliable MWD data.
Specializing in fit-for-purpose MWD solutions, the Apex MWD team of specialists combines reliable and accurate formation evaluation solutions with decades of experience to help operators efficiently extract energy. To learn more about our capabilities, connect with us at info@apexmwd.com. Choose Apex MWD for your next drilling project.