The Apex MWD Team is 100% Focused On Reducing Risks And Staying Safe

Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) culture is a top priority for the Apex MWD team. We understand the importance of maintaining a safe work environment and take responsibility for our impact on the environment.

Our employees are provided with ongoing training and resources to ensure their safety and well-being. Training includes orientation, core competencies, and in-house and external training. We maintain certifications with ISNetworld/PEC and Axiom Medical to ensure our HSE programs meet the highest industry standards.

Apex MWD also ensures that our comprehensive reporting and investigation program aligns with industry-standard Observation, Near Miss, and Incident reporting to potential hazards. All our employees have “Stop Work” authority if they identify unsafe conditions or behaviors that could put themselves or others at risk.

We are committed to maintaining a strong HSE culture and continuously strive to improve our programs and practices to ensure the safety, and well-being of our employees, customers, and the environment.

Specializing in fit-for-purpose MWD solutions, the Apex MWD team of specialists combines reliable and accurate formation evaluation solutions with decades of experience to help operators efficiently extract energy. To learn more about our capabilities, connect with us at Choose Apex MWD for your next drilling project.


The ApexMWD Team and HT Tool Maximize Performance in Extended Lateral for a Haynesville Basin Operator


Always Thankful for our Customers